Johnny pushing hard into the finish
Matt finishing strong
Some LOVELY spectators....
Such a beautiful day in Colorado....!!!
Men's Classic Race....
The men wrapped up the weekend for the Wolf Pack with a 15 k mass start classical races. Some long weeks of traveling and lingering illness made the race a little rougher but the men held their own and posted some impressive results, also showing improvement from the Utah races. Jonathan improved to 15th place on the day to lead the squad, with Matt close behind in 26th, followed by Lutz in 31st and Sam making a jump from last weekend to 44th. It was a beautiful day and a fun race to watch, and with the efforts behind us we went out for an awesome dinner in celebration of a great trip and Chelsea's birthday. Now we are ready for a few solid days of training back on our home turf and will be good to go again and have our best races yet out in Crested Butte....