Thursday, September 24, 2009

Training Camp Downieville, CA

Hi everyone,

here are some pictures and video of the training camp last week in Downieville, CA together with the Alpiners. Really successful trip in my opinion. Great campsite, lots of hours and a beautiful area.

Don't forget to get your burger with a ski team coupon next week at the Little Waldorf in Reno + "Spaghetti feed" on Monday at 5:30 pm!!!

double pole Rollerskiing session on Saturday morning

scavenger hunt team Wheelie: Lutz, Elias, Cam, Nicole, Erica, DavidGus during the double pole session...

Kelly, August, and Trygve during the DP session...

Ase, Kristin, and August T. during the DP session...

Please print out a voucher and go get a burger!

Rancho TT Results!

Ranchero Park TT

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Keep Nevada Skiing

Keep Nevada Skiing launches new blog @  twitter @ keepnevadaski and Facebook @ Keep Nevada Skiing.

There is a new overview and how to help!

If you have questions on coments there is a new email as well.

Thanks for all the help and support.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Donner Pass time trail

Here are the times and some videos of the time trail @ Donner Pass today. Please check on your technique.

Ase: 40:01
Chelsea: 38:18

Gus: 32:27
Elias (Double pole): 35:26

August B. (running only the uphill part): 25:09

Elias during the time trail

Gus during the time trail

Ase & Chelsea during the time trail:

Chelsea during the time trail

Ase during the time trail